Sarlahi Community, Lalbandhi, Sarlahi

29 May 2024
VG Foundation, upon learning about the dire conditions faced by a community in Sarlahi through a report in Naya Patrika. Understanding the severity of the harsh Terai winter, we donated warm winter clothes and blankets to help the community members endure the cold.
Residents of the Sarlahi district face severe vulnerability to the cold during winter. Among the 120 houses in the area, 90 percent are in disrepair. Homes constructed from mud are barricaded with straw, and residents lack sufficient clothing to protect against the cold. Additionally, there are no proper bedding or heating systems available, forcing people to sleep on straw. While the local government has provided some warm clothes, it is insufficient to meet the needs. Their existing clothing is already worn-out and torn, highlighting a dire need for more warm clothing for the people of Sarlahi

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