Shree Sagunte Secondary School, Kalapani, Dolakha

29 May 2024
Shree Sagunte Madhyamik School, a government institution established in 2031 B.S. The school is located in Shailung Municipality-8, Kalapani, Dolakha. Currently, the school educates 238 students and charges only a nominal fee for admission and tuition, ensuring that children in the hilly region receive an education despite the challenges.

Due to the high number of students, the school faced difficulties in providing adequate stationery materials. In response to this need, the school reached out to VG Foundation with a request for assistance. Recognizing the urgency, we donated stationery supplies to support the students of Shree Sagunte Madhyamik Vidhyalaya, helping to ensure that their educational needs are met.

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